The Ratiño grape, also known as Ratinho, is a Galician white grape variety that has recently been recognized in the Spanish Registry of Commercial Varieties. This grape has an interesting history, as it was almost lost and was rediscovered thanks to the efforts of local winegrowers and wineries committed to preserving indigenous varieties.
Ratiño is grown mainly in the Galicia region, especially in the Rías Baixas. It is characterized by its small and compact bunches, and its wine is known for its freshness, balanced acidity, and delicate floral and fruity aromas. This type of wine is ideal to accompany seafood and fish, typical of Galician cuisine.
One of the key producers in the preservation and promotion of the Ratiño grape has been the Forjas del Salnés winery, which has worked intensively to bring this variety to the market. In addition, it is important to highlight the work of the Anónimas Viticultores, a group of women dedicated to viticulture in Galicia, contributing significantly to the sustainability and diversity of the region's wine landscape.
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